Problem with protection of cells
Thanks, but I've checked these a zillion times and can still edit them
even though they are locked.
I'm sure it must be soemthing to do with inserting them after I created
the rest of the worksheet.
This one's got me beat
Dave Peterson wrote:
I'm not sure how you inserted those cells, but it sounds like the cells are no
longer locked (or the worksheet isn't protected).
I'd double check format|cells|Protection tab for a couple of those cells.
Paul wrote:
I understand how to protect and unprotect cells within a sheet, but
have a problem in that although that all of the cells are protected and
are all formatted in exactly the same way, some of them can still be
edited. It is only the same dataset in each of my spreadsheets, which
incidentally (and may be the cause) were inserted after creating the
rest of the worksheet.
Anyone got any ideas, I'm baffled
Dave Peterson