Hello, James!
You wrote to James Silverton on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:38:16 -0400:
BL I think he wanted: Area (mm2)
BL with the units in parentheses which is quite acceptable.
BL However chemists prefer: Area /mm2 for some odd reason!
BL --
JS Strange! I'm a chemist and I'd never dream of using
JS anything but mm super2 for area in mm. I suppose one might
JS use (meter/sec) super2 to refer to the whole expression
JS squared but I'd have been more likely to use m super2 sec
JS sub-2 if I could think of any reason for the unit!
JS Just ruminating on units :-) If I had an acceleration
JS whose units were meters per second squared I would probably
JS write m sec sub-2 tho' I think I might catch myself using
JS m/sec super 2 .
Gosh, it's easy to make mistakes when not using HTML for WYSIWYG
:-) That should read "...probably write m sec super -2".
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: