Hi widman,
The web colors you use are RGB values in hex
Red DD = 221
Green EE = 238
Blue EE = 238
So go to Options and create a custom color with RGB values of 221, 238, 238
http://www.visibone.com/colorlab/ for more info on web colors
Ed Ferrero
I was hoping to be able to type in colors such as DDEEEE, so I could make
colors match my web site, as NOF alows.
"Ed Ferrero" wrote:
Hi widman,
Is there any way to type the 6 letter color code into Excel for a
If you mean the RGB value, use menu Tools -- Options -- Color tab --
Modify -- Custom
If you want to enter the HSL color value, then you should download my
'Colour Palette Tool' from http://www.edferrero.com/charting.aspx
Ed Ferrero