days since 1/1/current year
It would.
But I was just trying to address the OP's original statement:
=today() ' days since 1/1/1900
JMB wrote:
won't 2/29/1900 also be included in date(year(today()),1,0)? when evaluating
the difference between two dates, I would think it s/b an issue only if one
of those dates is prior to 2/29/1900.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
Ps. You may want to subtract 1.
=today() is really the number of days since 12/31/1899 (with Feb 29, 1900
included in the count).
Dave Peterson wrote:
The 0th day of January of this year is Dec 31 of the previous year.
dan wrote:
Is there a formular for days since 1/1/current year
like =weekday(today()) ' day of the week
=DAY(today()) ' day of the month
=today() ' days since 1/1/1900
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson