Can I use VBA to create formula's in cells?
Forgot to say that you need to add the reference to "Microsoft ActiveX Data
Objects 2.8 Library" in the VBA Tools menu...
"Festina Lente"
"PapaDos" wrote:
Not easy to do.
You need external help for this, in VBA, you can't access closed workbooks.
But you can use ADO objects in a UDF to accomplish what you want.
Try this, for example:
Function getFirstValue(wb_path As String, wb_name As String, name As String)
As Variant
Dim oConn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim oRS As New ADODB.Recordset
oConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & wb_path & "\" & wb_name & ".xls;" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=NO"""
oRS.Open "Select * from " & name, oConn, adOpenStatic
getFirstValue = oRS.Fields(0).Value
End Function
The first argument is the path to your files, the second the filename
(without extension) and the third is the defined name you are accessing.
I have no clue how heavy this approach is on system resources, or about its
execution speed...
"Festina Lente"
"insomniux" wrote:
I have approx 100 excel sheets with exactly the same structure, each
containing a form with entered data. Each form holds approx 200
data-items in named cells (eg. Entry001, Entry002, ..). Now I want to
make a separate excel sheet with rows pointing to all the data-items in
all the forms. This will result in a sheet with approxe 100x200 cells
containing references.
I see two possible options, but I do not know how to implement them.
Is it possible to use a VBA macro to populate the sheet with all the
formulas? Each formula will have the form of:
The question is how to put a formula (not a string) in a cell (not the
iteration through the numbers).
In the first column I make a list with numbers (001-100), in the first
row I make a list with cellnames (Entry001-Entry200). Is it possible to
make a generic formula (eg in B2) which refers to the cell in the first
column and the cell in the first row like:
=ReferenceToFileWithNameFrom(A2)!ReferenceToCellNa meIn(B1)
This solution would have my preference, but I do not know if excel
offers this possibility.