Saved from a previous post:
This might describe the problem of too many commas in CSV files:
Column Delimiters Missing in Spreadsheet Saved as Text
(It actually describes missing delimiter, but if some are "missing", maybe the
ones appearing are "extra".)
(But a lot of programs (excel included) don't care about those extra columns.
Maybe you don't have to care, either???)
Maybe you could write your own exporting program that would behave exactly the
way you want:
Here are three sites that you could steal some code from:
Earl Kiosterud's Text Write program:
(or directly:
Chip Pearson's:
J.E. McGimpsey's:
(or maybe you could build your own formula and copy|paste into Notepad.)
Vijay Kotian wrote:
While saving excel file to CSV format the fields which are blank are
seperated with comma or in one of the row have more number of columns then
all the rows picks up the highest number of columns and the file saved with
CSV format gives us with unnecessary comma's - how to save CSV file without
these extra comma's OR Excess comma's should not be created ?
Dave Peterson