Excel not opening properly
I apologize if I posted this before. I know I did in Access, but I meant to
post in Excel.
Been having computer problems - found worms and trojans and still in the
process of recovering my computer settings.
Excel won't open properly. When I click on an Excel file, the program
"opens", but the file does not. I have to go to file, open, and find the
specific Excel file AGAIN, and open it. It will then open.
I've tried reinstalling Office, and repairing Office, but that did nothing,
other than set everthing back to default (except, of course, for Excel!).
And, just because I'm not understanding this, do I need to reinstall the
SETUPSE.EXE file? When I try, it tells me I do not have IIS 4.0 installed.
What the heck is that? I looked it up, but can't get my mind wrapped around
that. Is that important for Excel?
I have a "love/hate" relationship with computers - I love them, they hate me!