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Angel Angel is offline
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Posts: 37
Default help

it is a like complicaded

the best way is to see an example, in the excel
file i put this formula in the visuals,
i don't get it in the target. address
i put the the location of the data 'sheet'!I6
so i get me an error

my other question
can i do somethig more easy, like when i want
to display the iinformation, because i never use the


thanks for time

if you can send an example in excel
i will great mi email

If Range(target.part1I6) 0 Then
Sheets("Web").Range("G4") = Now() '
Sheets("Web").Range("G4") = "" '
End If
End Sub

"JLatham" wrote:

NOTE: I see that the editor here broke up one line in the code

The single word "Then" should be on the same line with the code above it so
that that line ends with
Is Nothing Then

"JLatham" wrote:

This cannot be done accurately with any built in functions or data. There is
a document property that tells when the entire file was last modified, but
that may not be the same as when the data on Sheet1 was added to it. More
than likely it will be the last time you either closed or re-opened it.

You could do this with code attached to Sheet1's worksheet _Change event to
put the date/time that a change was made somewhere on that sheet or elsewhere
in the workbook, but if you want details of changes for several cells, then
it takes one storage location for each cell you want to track changes for.

The code below tracks the change/value in one single cell on Sheet1. Let's
say you want to watch/test for changes in cell A5 on Sheet1, and you want the
date to appear/not appear in B5 on another sheet (Sheet2) then you could put
code like this in the worksheet's _Change event:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iSect As Range
Set iSect = Application.Intersect(Range(Target.Address), Range("A5"))
If Application.Intersect(Range(Target.Address), Range("A5")) Is Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
If Range(Target.Address) 0 Then
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B5") = Now() ' save altered date/time
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B5") = "" ' clear it out
End If
End Sub

To enter this code into the proper place for it to work with sheet 1,
right-click on the sheet's name tab and choose View Code. Then cut this code
and paste it into the page that appeared. Change the sheet names and cell
references as needed for your real world use.
"Angel" wrote:

my question is
that if from sheet 1
i want to get value( numer) data if 0
display to another sheet the date when was insert


for the help!