Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
How can I have formatting toolbar active for the unprotected(unloc
One way around this is to create your own set of macros that:
verifies that only a range that you want to allow formatting change is selected
unprotects the worksheet
does the work
reprotects the worksheet
You may have to provide several routines that do the work.
sanam wrote:
Yep,Got it ,but then still its not allowing me to merge cells and add
hyperlinks etc etc few options its still showing unavailable.Is it
possible to make these also active for the sheet??
Actually Dialog word didnot click .Thanks for the help.
Muhammed Rafeek M wrote:
Hi Divya
When you are protecting, you will get a dialogbox, right? on that dialog
box, could you enable(active) "format cells, format columns,..." if you
active, it will allow all users
for more help:
"sanam" wrote:
How can I have formatting options like merge cells ,Making Bold etc
active for the unlocked cells of the protected worksheet.Is it possible
in excel?
I locked Few cells of the worksheet and protected it.I want rest all
unlocked cells in the sheet to be allowed to formatted like merging the
unlcoked cells,aligning etc.The moment I protect the sheet the
formatting toolbar gets faded and doesn't allow even the unlocked cells
to be formatted .Is there a way I can allow the unlocked cells of
protected sheet to use the toolbars options??Plz reply if itsnot
Dave Peterson