I was able to use the csv file option but the program I am using requires
the ext. to be .txt so that it can find it. I am not sure if changing the
file name from *.csv to *.txt will actually work but I am going to try it
and see how that will work.
This program was written 20 years ago and is still used by 80% of all drag
race facilities in the US. I will try the file in the cpearson web site.
Hopefully that will work as I have to update about 22 different files before
next weekend for a big race in Chicago.
Thanks for your help
"Gord Dibben" <gorddibbATshawDOTca wrote in message
I have never seen a typical installation that omitted the filetype *.csve
I guess if you do not have it in your Save AsFiltype(4th from the
bottom) then
a re-install may help.
OR you can go to Chip Pearson's site and copy the code he has for
exporting to a
*.txt file with your choice of a comma as a de-limiter.
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
On Sat, 15 Jul 2006 16:23:24 -0500, "Olan Gotcher"
I am using excel version 2003 and in my setup it does not have a comma
delimited file option. I am wondering if I re-install the software if
is a comma option that I did not get in the first install. I used to do
this back a few years ago in version 2000, but I do not have that
"kassie" wrote in message
Click on File|Save As and scroll down past Tab Delimited, til you get to
Comma Delimited (CSV)
"Olan Gotcher" wrote:
I need to save some files in a comma deliminated file format so that I
retrieve them from an old dos data base. I can use excel to bring
comma deliminated files in perfectly but it will only let me save them
as a tab deliminated text file. The old dos program will only retrieve
files if they are comma deliminated. I use excell to update these data
bases, e.g. sort by name, membership number and car number. These
for drag racing. I can import them into Access and then output in
deliminated from there but that adds a lot of extra work and time.
Any help would be appreciated.
Olan Gotcher