You need to enter it with ctrl + shift & enter
it can be replaced with
entered normally
Peo Sjoblom
"scott" wrote:
Currently I have
Individual Options
Name =SUMIF(Options!$A$8:$A$134,B4,Options!$B$8:$B$134)
which works fine.
I am trying to add an extra detail to a summary sheet for the exercise
price of options, so the sheet would look like:
Name Price Price Price Total
I am not sure why this array formula keeps returning #VALUE# for the
price breakout
=SUM((Options!$A$8:$A$134=B4)*(Options!$D$8:$D$134 =C3)*Options!$B$8:$B$134)
=SUM((Options!$A$8:$A$134=B4)*(Options!$D$8:$D$134 =C3)*(Options!$B$8:$B$134))
Detail spreadsheet = "Options"
(Options!$A$8:$A$134=B4) A8:A134 is the transaction data with Col B
being the employee B4 is the corresponding employee on the summary sheet.
(Options!$D$8:$D$134=C3) is the exercise price for the transaction c3 =
price on summary sheet.
Any advise on why the formula is returning #Value#