Myrna, for some reason I got e-mail notification of your reply to Brandi's
problem. You might want to respond again in hopes that she will be notified
of your recommendation. -Jim Wood
"Myrna Larson" wrote:
I would add a column (E) headed "Billable" which contains Y or N. Then
assuming you have calculated the travel times in the 1st and 4th columns (say
that's A and D)
=SUMIF(E2:E100,"Billable",A2:A200)+SUMIF(E2:E100," Billable",D2:D100)
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 13:29:04 -0800, Brandi
Can someone please help?
On timesheet in Excel, there are 4 columns:
Travel Time to site
Arrival time at site
Departure time from site
Return Travel time
If more than one job is done in a day, when traveling from a billable job to
a Maintenance job and then to another billable job and returning to
home/office, how can the return travel time be calculated for the two
billable jobs to arrive at the total time for the billable jobs that day?
Any assistance will be much appreciated. Thank you.