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Assuming headers in row 1 and data starting row 2:

In D2: =C2-B2
In E2: =SUM(C$2:C2)-SUM(B$2:B2)

Copy these formulae down the columns.

"kimmyrt" wrote in message
I've posted this problem twice already and the next day my post disapears,
hoprefully this time it will stay. Anyway, I hope I can explain my
ok, I need a formula to put in so that I can just input the hrs. and the
time worked over or under 40 hrs. a week will come up. Also, I need one
a running total of hrs. worked over or under 40 hrs. a week. This is an
example of what my timesheet looks like:
A= Name
B= Work period (one week)
C= hrs. worked (in one week)
D= hrs. short or over 40 hrs.
E= running total of hrs short or over 40 hrs.
Basically, the timesheet is just one long excel worksheet with each week
the hrs. on it.
So basically, I just need a formula for columns D and E.
If this doesn't make sense and you have an idea of what to do, just let me
know and I can send you a copy of the timesheet, it's really small.
Thanks so much in advance for the help!