formulas using date/time formats returning #value
Tried both options, but no change and am still unable to make calculations
with the data (still returning false to =isnumber).
Can you think of anything else?
"Biff" wrote:
Here's a couple of things to try:
Try on one cell and if it works then do it on all the cells in question:
Select a cell with a date/time
Goto DataText to Columns
Click Next,Next,Finish
Another option:
Select an empty cell that has not been preformated.
Copy that cell by going to EditCopy.
Now select one of the date/time cells
Then do EditPaste SpecialAddOK
If it worked then the TEXT value 5/26/2006 5:33:00 AM should have been
converted to the decimal value 38863.23125. Then you can reformat as a real
date/time in the format of your choice.
"Liesel" wrote in message
Have tested and the cells are returning FALSE.
Next question, how do I turn them into a format that Excel will recognise
real Excel dates/times?
Appreciate your assistance
"Biff" wrote:
Test the dates/times to make sure they are in fact real Excel
If you have these cell values:
A1 = 5/26/2006 5:33:00 AM
B1 = 5/26/2006 5:26:00 AM
Try this test:
If both cells are real Excel dates/times then those Isnumber formulas
return TRUE and a simple subtraction formula should work without
an error.
"Liesel" wrote in message
Am dumping data out of an application - raw data appears as
5/26/2006 5:33:00 AM (i.e. mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM) - format all the
cells in custom format to this. However when I go to calculate the
difference between two times (elapsed time) returns #VALUE.
5/26/2006 5:33:00 AM less 5/26/2006 5:26:00 AM s/b 07:00
It's probably something very simple - can someone help please?