Thanks Steve,
I named the cell "GroupName" on the other worksheet. Can you tell me the
formula to achieve the following?
If the cell "GroupName" has ANY text in it, I want a separate worksheet cell
(call it A1) to fill in with a specific color. Does that make sense?
"SteveG" wrote:
You can use Conditional Formatting, you just have to Name the cell you
want it to refer to. Say in Sheet1!A1, you want to apply the shading
if Sheet2!A1 = something. Go to InsertNameDefine. Type in a name
for the reference to Sheet!2A1 ( I used Shade). Go to the cell you
want to apply the CF to. Change the Cell Value is: option to Formula
is then use something like:
Click FormatPatterns and pick the color you want. Click OK and OK.
Does that help?
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