I have three items that I am testing for. Active, Inactive, and Future data.
Each of those three descriptors have a number of conditions that indicate my
data falls into that category. All of my data has word descriptors but I
thought letters would be easier to follow. My first test separates out
Active data from the Inactive and Future data.
IF(F2="A","Active",IF(F2="B","Active",IF(FE2="C"," Active",IF(FE2="D","Active"))))
Then I am trying to build a test to sort through the Inactive and Future
data. The function I was trying to build would take all of the "FALSE"
results from the first test (which is anything that isn't Active) and
separate that out. Something like If G2=FALSE & F2=E or F or G then
Inactive. Also If G2=FALSE & F2=H or I or J then Future.
Does that make more sense? Using housepets to explain what I'm trying to do
is probably more trouble than it's worth.
"SteveG" wrote:
What are you testing to return the TRUE or FALSE in G? If you can post
exactly what your tests are and what the results should be, that would
be helpful.
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