This code by Harlan Grove may help (I haven't tried it myself!). It finds
numbers that add to a given sum.
'Begin VBA Code
' By Harlan Grove
Sub findsums()
'This *REQUIRES* VBAProject references to
'Microsoft Scripting Runtime
'Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 1.0 or higher
Const TOL As Double = 0.000001 'modify as needed
Dim c As Variant
Dim j As Long, k As Long, n As Long, p As Boolean
Dim s As String, t As Double, u As Double
Dim v As Variant, x As Variant, y As Variant
Dim dc1 As New Dictionary, dc2 As New Dictionary
Dim dcn As Dictionary, dco As Dictionary
Dim re As New RegExp
re.Global = True
re.IgnoreCase = True
On Error Resume Next
Set x = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Enter range of values:", _
Title:="findsums", _
Default:="", _
Type:=8 _
If x Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
y = Application.InputBox( _
Prompt:="Enter target value:", _
Title:="findsums", _
Default:="", _
Type:=1 _
If VarType(y) = vbBoolean Then
Exit Sub
t = y
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set dco = dc1
Set dcn = dc2
Call recsoln
For Each y In x.Value2
If VarType(y) = vbDouble Then
If Abs(t - y) < TOL Then
recsoln "+" & Format(y)
ElseIf dco.Exists(y) Then
dco(y) = dco(y) + 1
ElseIf y < t - TOL Then
dco.Add Key:=y, Item:=1
c = CDec(c + 1)
Application.StatusBar = "[1] " & Format(c)
End If
End If
Next y
n = dco.Count
ReDim v(1 To n, 1 To 3)
For k = 1 To n
v(k, 1) = dco.Keys(k - 1)
v(k, 2) = dco.Items(k - 1)
Next k
qsortd v, 1, n
For k = n To 1 Step -1
v(k, 3) = v(k, 1) * v(k, 2) + v(IIf(k = n, n, k + 1), 3)
If v(k, 3) t Then dcn.Add Key:="+" & _
Format(v(k, 1)), Item:=v(k, 1)
Next k
On Error GoTo CleanUp
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For k = 2 To n
swapo dco, dcn
For Each y In dco.Keys
p = False
For j = 1 To n
If v(j, 3) < t - dco(y) - TOL Then Exit For
x = v(j, 1)
s = "+" & Format(x)
If Right(y, Len(s)) = s Then p = True
If p Then
re.Pattern = "\" & s & "(?=(\+|$))"
If re.Execute(y).Count < v(j, 2) Then
u = dco(y) + x
If Abs(t - u) < TOL Then
recsoln y & s
ElseIf u < t - TOL Then
dcn.Add Key:=y & s, Item:=u
c = CDec(c + 1)
Application.StatusBar = "[" & Format(k) & "] " & _
End If
End If
End If
Next j
Next y
If dcn.Count = 0 Then Exit For
Next k
If (recsoln() = 0) Then _
MsgBox Prompt:="all combinations exhausted", _
Title:="No Solution"
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Private Function recsoln(Optional s As String)
Const OUTPUTWSN As String = "findsums solutions" 'modify to taste
Static r As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
If s = "" And r Is Nothing Then
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(OUTPUTWSN)
If ws Is Nothing Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set r = Worksheets.Add.Range("A1")
r.Parent.Name = OUTPUTWSN
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set r = ws.Range("A1")
End If
recsoln = 0
ElseIf s = "" Then
recsoln = r.Row - 1
Set r = Nothing
r.Value = s
Set r = r.Offset(1, 0)
recsoln = r.Row - 1
End If
End Function
Private Sub qsortd(v As Variant, lft As Long, rgt As Long)
'ad hoc quicksort subroutine
'translated from Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan,
'"The Awk Programming Language", page 161
Dim j As Long, pvt As Long
If (lft = rgt) Then Exit Sub
swap2 v, lft, lft + Int((rgt - lft + 1) * Rnd)
pvt = lft
For j = lft + 1 To rgt
If v(j, 1) v(lft, 1) Then
pvt = pvt + 1
swap2 v, pvt, j
End If
Next j
swap2 v, lft, pvt
qsortd v, lft, pvt - 1
qsortd v, pvt + 1, rgt
End Sub
Private Sub swap2(v As Variant, i As Long, j As Long)
'modified version of the swap procedure from
'translated from Aho, Weinberger & Kernighan,
'"The Awk Programming Language", page 161
Dim t As Variant, k As Long
For k = LBound(v, 2) To UBound(v, 2)
t = v(i, k)
v(i, k) = v(j, k)
v(j, k) = t
Next k
End Sub
Private Sub swapo(a As Object, b As Object)
Dim t As Object
Set t = a
Set a = b
Set b = t
End Sub
'---- end VBA code ----
"Joshua Jacoby" wrote:
Hmm, well here's the situation. I'm trying to reconcile an account that has
over 300 entries in it for the month of december. So, over 300 debits, but
only say 100 credits. And I'm trying to each credit with the corresponding
bunch of debits. It takes forever to try to do it visually by highlighting
groups of debit entries to match their sum to a credit entry. You understand
what I mean?
"mrice" wrote:
Interesting question
You could do this by using the DEC2BIN function to generate all of the
binary numbers up to two to the power of the count of the numbers that
you have. The individual places could then be used as switches for
whether each number is included in the sum or not. This would allow you
to evaluate all possible combinations and therefore see which matches
your target.
Research Scientist with many years of spreadsheet development experience
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