cell border colors in Excel
The interface already provides for this. Go to the same dialog and click on
the various borders and set the colors each as you need. Nothing needs to be
changed for that to work. BUT, if a cell already has borders and you simply
want to change them, shouldn't you be able to point to this object, set the
color to red, then click apply?
My cell had the borders defined, I only wanted them red. I selected the
cell, right clicked, clicked Format cells... , selected Borders, then clicked
RED, and apply...only to have Excel sit there doing nothing.
Can you imagine the equivalent with text? I select a cell, click red,
nothing happens, and later I go online to find out that nothing happened
because I didn't specify which letters should be red? Seems wacky to me.
Granted, some may want their borders to be all multicolored, as some do with
text in their cells, but shouldn't the programmers assume that most people
coloring borders will want them all the same color, just as they assume that
someone coloring the text in a cell wants all the letters the same color?
The program already provides a way of hanlding the exceptions, it's the
default that I am talking about.
"Dominic" wrote:
How would the program know if you DIDN'T want all the current borders to
change to the new color?
"Rob" wrote:
Thanks for the back and forth.
I believe, if anyone ever reads these posts, that they'll agree with my
post. I have a programming background and showed this to a couple of other
programmers that agree about the default behaiviour.
You seem to think that I am somehow going to deprive you of some
functionality, which isn't the case at all.
If they can assume that a red text attribute applies to all the text in the
cell, they could also assume that a red attribute applied to a cell applies
to all four borders.
It's really no more complicated than that.