cell border colors in Excel
It's a question of default behaviour and good design, not a lack of
For example:
Select a cell, add some text, move off the cell, then reselect it, change
the color. It works.
Select a cell, add a border, move off the cell, then reselect it, change the
color. It doesn't work.
This is inconsistent behaviour.
When you open the font dialog in Excel, do you reset everything when you
only need to change the color? No. You touch only the attribute you want to
affect. If I have selected a cell that already has a border, it should be
clear to the programmer that a user selecting RED wants all four borders red
(as the default behaviour). That doesn't mean you can't allow other users to
have a pink top border, purple on the sides, and black dots on the bottom.
We're talking DEFAULT behaviour here.
If the functionality were consistent, I would have to change the color
attribute to red for the text, then go back and select the cell I wanted red!
Thank goodness it doesn't work that way!
If I select a cell with black text and then select text color red, I expect
to see the contents of the cell change color. If it didn't, I'd assume the
program wasn't working. And the fact that others have posted about this adds
weight to the idea.
"MartinW" wrote:
Still can't agree Rob,
After you click your color then click on the presets "outline" or "inside".
The funcionality you are asking for is already there at the cost of one
extra click.