cell border colors in Excel
You make a good point. The problem isn't the flexibility, it's the behaviour
of the program. The way the program works now, it does nothing when users
apply this change. If users want four different colors on their cell borders,
fine, give them that flexibility, but don't fail to do anything at all when a
user has selected the cell, and changed a color setting, then has hit apply.
It appears that the program isn't working. At the very least, it could change
the color of all the borders!
If you had selected a cell with black text, then clicked on on the text
color and set it to red, and it failed, would you be bragging about the
flexibility of setting each letter to a different color? I don't think so.
This is a behaviour consistency issue. When an object is selected, and
attributes are changed, and the user hits Apply, the program fails if it does
"MartinW" wrote:
Well, personally I'd call that a great feature! It allows you complete
flexibility for your cells. You can have a red double line on one side a
blue dotted line on the other a green feint line on top and a purple dashed
line on the bottom.
I can't think of a situation where I would need that much flexibility but
I'm glad it's there!!!