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Bob T
Posts: n/a

Thanks Max! Your answer was very helpful, exactly what I wanted.

"Max" wrote:

Try Conditional Formatting

Suppose you want this to happen in say, col E
Select col E
Click Format Conditional Formatting
Make the settings as:

For Condition 1:
Formula Is| =AND(E1<"",ISNUMBER(E1),E1=0)
Click Format button Patterns tab Light green? OK

Click Add

For Condition 2:
Formula Is| =AND(E1<"",ISNUMBER(E1),E1<0)
Click Format button Patterns tab Pink? OK

Click OK at the main dialog

Now test it out by inputting some negative, positive values, zeroes and some
text (e.g.: "ABC") in col E ..

The cells' fill color should appear accordingly for the numbers, any cell
with text entered or empty cells should not trigger the C.F. (i.e. no
formatting should occur)
xl 97
GMT+8, 1° 22' N 103° 45' E
xdemechanik <atyahoo<dotcom
Bob T <Bob wrote in message
I'd like to make a cell change color or the cell's font change color as

number in the cell changes from negative to positive or vice versa?