Presenting Subtotals only
In Excel, I use subtotals quite often, but theres got to be a way to use
them more efficiently! I like the tool quite a bit, but sometimes what I
need is JUST the subtotals, not the detailed records themselves. I need to
create a presentation-quality worksheet with only the totals. Collapsing the
subtotals by nesting them isn't the answer; the worksheets reviewers dont
need / want the detail records, and the presentation of the collapsed view is
clunky at best.
What I'm doing requires several steps:
1. After subtotaling, copy and Paste Special €“ Values (replacing the
subtotal formulas with values)
2. Remove the subtotals - Data, Subtotals, Remove All
3. Sort the range so the €śsubtotals€ť are grouped together
4. Delete the detail records
5. Insert a column, and create a formula to strip out the word €śTotal€ť from
each Description
6. In the new column, Copy and Paste Special Values to remove that formula
Delete the old Description column.
Yuck! Too many steps. Is there a better way to accomplish the goal of
taking a subtotaled range and just displaying the totals?