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Default Subracting Dates to come up with the # of days between them


I have a "From" Date in Col C and and "To" Date in Col D.
In Col E, I have entred the following formula to calc. the number of days
between them =DATEDIF(C10,D10,"D")
( I'm trying to find the number of days each employee worked for the year
( weekends do not matter..they are supposed to be included in this total

If I have (for ex) 11/1/2004 in C10 and 12/1/2004 in D10, the answer I get
in E10 = 30.
The days should be 31 ( 30 days in Nov and 1 day in Dec).

Is there a different formula I should be using to get the correct days I'm
looking for.....

Thanks in advance for your help!!
Kimberly :)