FORMULA at Source range (in Data-validation-List) gives wrong re
Hi - Can anyone identify & rectify the error
I gave this formula at Data-validation-List ; Source
results shows first item of next range also.
N2 = B5&C5 (that is TigerEast; I have defined a range name as tigereast)
B4 C4 D4
Biz Region Branch
Tiger East Haldia Branch
B4 - is having a list (thro' data-validation-list range name "Biz")
c4 - is having a list (thro' data-validation-,list range name "Region")
D5- is having a list (thro' data-validation-list range = formula as above
When Tiger & East is chosen, then 2 units have to show BUT showing 3 units,
actually the 3rd unit belongs to next range (tigerwest)
When Tiger & South is chosen, then 6 units have to be shown BUT shows 7
units, that is one more unit of next range (tigereast)
I tried as =OFFSET(INDIRECT(N2),-1,0,COUNTA(INDIRECT($N$2),1)) and
=OFFSET(INDIRECT(N2),0,0,COUNTA(INDIRECT($N$2)-1,1)); but no results.
Thanks in advance, some one help me.