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Posted to microsoft.public.excel.worksheet.functions
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Default Count the number of unique records

Array entered... this gives 1 as an answer (is this helpful ?)
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF((A2:A17=D1)*(B2:B17=C1),MATCH (B2:B17,B2:B17,0),""),IF((A2:A17=D1)*(B2:B17=C1),M ATCH(B2:B17,B2:B17,0),""))0,1))
Where C1 is your date and D1 is the redfid number.

"GerryK" wrote:

If you want to count only once the unique, this comes close but I get a 0.
Maybe someone could help this poor formula out to give 1 as an answer?
Array entered:
=SUM(IF(FREQUENCY(IF((A2:A17=95528)*(B2:B17="10/22/2004"),MATCH(A2:A17,A2:A17,0),""),IF((A2:A17=95528 )*(B2:B17="10/22/2004"),MATCH(A2:A17,A2:A17,0),""))0,1))

" wrote:

I have this table of data:

refid Date
95528 10/22/2004
95528 10/22/2004
95312 10/22/2004
95312 10/22/2004
95261 10/22/2004
95261 10/22/2004
95051 10/23/2004
95051 10/23/2004
95051 10/23/2004
94999 10/23/2004
94999 10/23/2004
94806 10/24/2004
94806 10/24/2004
94737 10/24/2004
94737 10/24/2004
94678 10/24/2004

I need to do a count only counts a REFID once and only between certian
dates. So, sort of count the number of REFID's that fall on 10/23/2004.
Make sence?

Also, it needs to be done in one formula. Obviously this requires an
array formula. I have a formula that counts the number of entires
between certian dates, but I can't figure out how to count a REFID only
