Fiscal Year in date field
I frequently use fiscal year representations of years, and would like to be
able to use this in a date field where the year can be incremented by a
for example, the fiscal year from July 2002 through June 2003 is frequently
FY 2002 - 2003 or sometimes, just
2002 - 2003
is there any way that I can put something like
FY 2002 - 2003
into Cell A1, and then put a formula like...
=A1 + 1
or maybe
=A2 + 365
into Cell B1 and have the value in B1 show as
2003 - 2004
FY 2003 - 2004
Can this be done? If it can't be done, perhaps it can be a suggestion for
future versions of Microosft products.