You could use the Worksheet_change event and Target.
Target will tell you what cell was just changed by the user:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Me.Range("a1:a100")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Msgbox "User changed: " & target.address
End Sub
If you want to read more about these kinds of events:
Chip Pearson's site:
David McRitchie's site:
DoctorG wrote:
I want to execute a specific routine whenever a cell of a certain column
All is OK if I press enter and the cursor is programmed to stay in the cell.
Then I check the ActiveCell.Column property and execute the code. I have a
problem if the user leaves the cell i.e. with a right or left arrow and the
active column upon execution of the Worksheet Change routine is different to
the one I wish to monitor.
Is there a way to know the address of the cell that triggered the Change
Event instead of the current/active cell ?
Dave Peterson