How do I restore original Pivot Table data?
Thanks for the help, and I'll try to explain myself better.
My pivot table has letters/numbers going across for the COLUMNS. The PAGE
is by vendor. Both of these I can hide and unhide and select without the
original selections disappearing. However, my data ROWS are another matter.
When I de-select ALL on my data rows on the table ( or data at the bottom of
the chart) and click on one or several check boxes, I get those selections.
When I click on the data box though to make other selections or all again,
the previous choices and selections I had are gone. It is like if I reduce
my data set, I cannot expand it again. Any help would be appreciated as I
feel like I'm missing something basic but just can't figure out what is.
Andrew C
"JAdamJ" wrote:
I'm not sure I follow you completely, but try double clicking the gray areas
that represent the data that you want to restore. It should pop up a box
with a list of all of your items and you can click on them to unhide. Or you
could try moving the data to the "top" (page field) and then choosing "(All)"
before moving it back.
"Andrew C" wrote:
How do I restore my complete data set for a pivot table? I have a table that
has a grouping at the top (say group "A"), a series at the right which are my
pivot table columns (1,2,3,...20), and data at the bottom which are my rows
(a city listing). Whenever I change the "data" selection at the bottom, the
other selections disappear and I cannot get them back unless I undo. How do
I move the selections around but still have access to my original data set?
Andrew C