Entering Times
What's the right time? If you use the built in clock you can set validation
within a few minutes of that time, datavalidationallowcustom
where D1 would be the cell where the time entry is made
you can setup your own validation message
Incorrect Time! Please check your watch again!
Peo Sjoblom
"Denise" wrote in message
I have a spreadsheet that has the following columns:
Arrival Time Triage Time To ED Time Saw MD Time Discharge
I have about 15 people entering data in this worksheet at different times.
There a a few that can't quite get the numbers entered right - example.
The patient will arrive at 10:30 but they may enter a time that they were
taken to the ED at 8:30 - two hours before they are even here!! I have
talked to these people and told them that they need to watch the times
they are entering and make sure that they are accurate.
Is there a code/way to set the worksheet up so that if they enter a time
that is wrong it won't let them enter. I have tried Validation - time -
allow greater than or = to. That won't work.
Thanks for any help.