looking for latest selling price..
Post your e-mail address and I send you a little spreadsheet that takes
care of this.
"Lawrence" wrote:
i have a file like this...
Items Date price
AAA 15.5.2005 1.5
BBB 16.5.2005 1.6
CCC 17.5.2005 1.4
DDD 18.5.2005 2.3
AAA 19.5.2005 1.4
CCC 20.5.2005 1.3
VVV 21.5.2005 1.2
in another worksheet i have a worksheet like this...but without the price
and date
Items Date Price
AAA ??? ???
BBB ??? ???
CCC ??? ???
DDD ??? ???
VVV ??? ???
can i know how to find the latest selling price in second worksheet???
if possible for both price and date...