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Default How do I locate duplicate records in Excel?

Brian is correct. My method will only produce unique records (by row, not by

"Bryan Hessey" wrote:


Pamela's suggestion is quite good, but I note that you have 15 columns,
two of which are name, and if the other 13 columns have data that you
need to keep then perhaps auto-deleting might present more problems.

Another possibility is then working on from the sort idea, and
presuming column Q is unused, in Q1 put


and formula-copy that to the end of your 3,000 rows.
Highlight column Q and COPY, then Paste Special = Values back over
You now have each row numbered.

Select all data (the cell to the left of A in the column headers, and
above row 1), all your data should highlight.

Sort over C and then B

You can then manually inspect, merge, delete, amend and fix as
required. (these are 'names' and Robert = Bob etc)

After you are complete re-sort the sheet over column Q ascending and
delete column Q.

Just another thought . . .

pameluh Wrote:
First sort your data by last name, then by first name

Highlight all rows | Data | Sort | First by Column B | Then by Column

Now your list is in alphabetical order by last name.

Highlight all 15 columns | Data | Filter | Advanced Filter | Copy to
location | Copy to: (click on the little icon and click on the first
row in
the first empty column to the right of the data | Check the box that
Unique Records Only | Ok | Delete the old data, the new "copied" data
not contain duplicates.

Pamela :)

"Amie G" wrote:

I'm trying to locate duplicate records in my spreadsheet. It has 15

and almost 3000 rows. Row B is Last Name and Row C is First Name. I

need to
highlight any records that have the same last and first names. So if

are multiple Bob Jones I want to check and see if they are the same


How do I do this? I've tried all kinds of methods suggested on the

web and
have not been able to find a solution. Thanks!

Bryan Hessey
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