I'm trying to calculate the total fee between two dates of a service
with a monthly fixed fee. This means that the fee per day is different
depending on the month (or even year if it's February).
Assume the monthly fixed fee is 1000.
From 05 March (27 days to count) to 20 April (20 days to count)
the calculation would be: 1000 * (27/31 +20/30) = 1537,63
From 05 April (26 days to count) to 20 May (20 days to count):
1000 * (26/30 + 20/31) = 1511,83
I know it's possible to use something like
Datedif(data1;date2;"d")/30,4375 but this uses an average number of
days per month and doesn't produce an exact enough result.
The problem is to find the exact number of months WITH decimals to
multiply the fee with... (keeping in mind also that it can be more than
12 months).
Does anyone know a simple trick to solve this?
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