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Default how to calculate commissions

What if the commission was based on only a portion of the sales. For ex: the
person earns a 10% commission on sales between $200-$300, and 15% on sales
between $300-$400?


"Ron Coderre" wrote:

You might want to use a lookup table:

On a separate worksheet (in the same wkbk) build this table:
Col_A Col_B

Base Pct
$0 0%
$100 5%
$200 10%
300 15%

Select those cells and name them:
Name: LU_ComRate

To calculate commission percent:
Select sheet with amounts.
Assuming the commission base amount is in Cell A1:
B2: =VLOOKUP(A1,LU_ComRate,2,1)

Does that help?


"Peter" wrote:

How do I calculate commissions for employees if the following were to occur:

If an employee has 0-100 dollars in sales, there is no commission.
If an employees has 100-200 dollars in sales, there is a 5% commission.
If an employee has 200-300 dollars in sales, there is a 10% commission.
If an employee has 300+ dollars in sales, there is a 15% commission.
