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Jim Rech
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Default Macro Pause during Dialog Box data entry

You really cannot use the code I posted with what you want to do. All my
code does is open the dialog and then lets the user do whatever he wants.
We have no control over what goes in the dialog. In your case you want to
get one input from the user (I think) but other do everything else.

The only way I know of to do what you want is to ask the user for a range
first and then run your code, sticking the range he selected in your code.

This is an example of asking for a range:

Sub GetRg()
Dim Rg As Range
On Error GoTo BadRg
Set Rg = Application.InputBox("Select a range", , , , , , , 8)
Rg.Value = "You selected this range"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "You cancelled"
End Sub

Obviously you'd have to adapt this to your situation by building the code


from Rg.Address in some way.

"neopolitan" wrote
in message ...
| Jim, I have wanted to know how to do this for a long time, but I need a
| little more explanation on how to employ your code. Where in the code
| that I have below would I insert your code? Obviously, I don't want
| the column (A) hard-coded in the macro, thus the need for a pause.
| Code:
| --------------------
| Sub ColDataValidation()
| '
| ' ColDataValidation Macro
| ' Macro recorded 10/19/2005 by neopolitan'
| '
| With Selection.Validation
| .Delete
| .Add Type:=xlValidateCustom, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
| xlBetween, Formula1:="=countif(A:A,$A1)<=1"
| .IgnoreBlank = True
| .InCellDropdown = True
| .InputTitle = ""
| .ErrorTitle = ""
| .InputMessage = ""
| .ErrorMessage = ""
| .ShowInput = True
| .ShowError = True
| End With
| End Sub
| --------------------
| --
| neopolitan
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