hi duke,
the original cell in worksheet one does not have formatting not to display
the value zero. both worksheet1 and worksheet2 just have general formatting
set on the cells. It doesnt make snes why one shows nothing and the other
zero, any ideas??
"Duke Carey" wrote:
The value and the display are 2 different things. If it references an empty
cell its VALUE is zero. You can format the cell to not display the zero,
though it will still have a zero value. The other option - to show "" -
you've already dismissed.
Maybe your best bet is to adjust your conditional formatting logic
"dee" wrote:
I have a cell in worksheet2 which references a cell in worksheet 1:
e.g = Worksheet1!A3
But if A3 in woksheet 1 is empty (null?) the cell in worksheet2 has a 0 in it.
Is there any way to get the cell in worksheet2 to also show null?
i need it to show null and not "" because of conditonal formatting I have