I have a series of excel files 1 though 150. I would like to find in
column C (of the Cover Letter tab) the cell with GRAND TOTAL writen in
it and capture the figure to its right for each file.
This works:
=VLOOKUP("Grand Total",'D:\Documents and Settings\My
Documents\[1.xls]Cover Letter'!$C:$D,2,0)
I would like to drag down the list though and set up the numbers 1
through 150 in column A and the respective Grand Totals in B. I
thought the INDIRECT Functions would allow me to do this.
=VLOOKUP("Grand Total",INDIRECT("'D:\Documents and Settings\My
Documents\["&A1&".xls]Cover Letter'!$C:$D"),2,0)
I also failed with:
=VLOOKUP("Grand Total",INDIRECT('D:\Documents and Settings\My
Documents\[&"A1"&.xls]Cover Letter'!$C:$D),2,0)
Where have I gone astray? Is there a better way for me to do what I
Thanks in advance for any assistance. :~)
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