You'll have to ask the person sending you the file to save it into a format that
your copy of excel can read.
You could search eBay for a copy of xl97+. It can read all the versions through
xl2003--although it doesn't support all the features added in xl2k, xl2002,
Or maybe a free spreadsheet program would work for you:, a 60-65 meg download or a CD
flopmax wrote:
I can't open the file to save it. I have tried going to windows explorer to
save a copy to my computer but it won't open the file for me to save in 5.0
format. I have tried to use search for files in excel. It finds the file on
the floppy but can't open or save it in the format needed.
"Norman Jones" wrote:
Hi Flopmax,
You would have to save the workbook in Excel 5 format:
File | Save As | In the 'Save as type' dropdown, select:
Microsoft Excel 5.0 / 95 workbook 9*.xls)
Note that features dependent on later versions will be lost!
Make sure that you save the workbook with a new name so that the current
(newer) version is not overwritten!
"flopmax" wrote in message
I have excel 5.0C and need to work with files from a newer version of
Everytime I try to open files from a newer version of excel, I get the
message that it is not in xls format. Is there a way around this?
Dave Peterson