Thread: Wrap text
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George K
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Also found another way,
Tools Record Macro Name Ctrl+(letter)
Highlight all rows Format Row AutoFit
Tools End Record Macro

Now it's just a two key combo.

Thanks again.
"Jim Rech" wrote in message ...
To autofit row heights select the row(s) and use Format, Row, AutoFit

"George K" wrote in message
I have a spread sheet with cells formated Number=general, Alignment=vertical
& wrap text. In several cells below the printed page I have included long
comments that wrap in the cell. In the printed page I enter a formula in
the A1 cell, =g90 which inserts the contents of g90, perhaps six rows of
text, into cell A1. But the contents are limited to the first row only. If
I save the .xls close it and reopen it the cell has adjusted to the wrap
requirement of six rows. Similarily, if I then change the formula to that
of a cell with four rows of text, the text will display with two empty rows.
Again after save, close and reopen the cell will adjust to the four row

Is there a way in which I can get the spreadsheet to readjust without
save/close/open. If I am replacing comments in ten cells I either have to
wait until I repeat the process ten times of replace all cells and then view
the end results after a save/close/open.