VLOOKUP #N/A Sometimes but not always
Hey all,
I have an assignment I'm working on for school and I have a formula using
VLOOKUP. In the assignment, we're looking up a discount rate based on the
customer's credit score. The credit scores are in the first column and the
discount rates are in the next four columns (the region number - 109 yields a
column number of 2 through 5, which explains the $D22-109 part of the
formula). Here is the formula:
=ROUND(IF($C22=0,0,((VLOOKUP($C22,$A$7:$E$13,$D22-109,TRUE))*$D$16)*$E22), 2)
I've gotten it to work using "487" instead of the $C22, so I thought maybe
the type of data in the cell would make a difference, but that doesn't seem
to change anything. All cells are numbers, so I thought it should work.
There is no difference (that I can see) from the rows that work and the rows
that don't. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!