How about just inserting a column to the right of that second column.
Then you can use a formula like:
=B2&" RR3"
Drag down your column.
select that column
edit|copy, edit|paste special|values over the original column
and delete the helper column
justamailman wrote:
I have a spreadsheet with colums one with number and second with alphabetic
list . Now i wanted to add the same word RR3 to the right end of each row of
the second colum. I know we can create macro but i don't seem to succeed
doing it in excel it is my first time macro in excel they do not work like in
16 - BARBER, John, Gloria, Patrick (JULY)
17 - BARAGAR, Allen, Gordon, Willogene, Kathy (OCT)
XP home , Office 97
any or all responses are gratefully accepted and thank you for your time
Running Compaq P3, 500Mhz
WIN XP home, Office XP SB
Dialup (no choice here)
Dave Peterson