I also want to have a row of data at the beginning and have the "pasted" data
start in row 2. Am I asking for too much? :)
"Ron de Bruin" wrote:
Hi Barb
I have example code here to do this
And with formulas
Regards Ron de Bruin
"Barb Reinhardt" wrote in message
We are looking at having separate workbooks (with one worksheet) to track
time worked on specific portions of a project. I'm envisioning that each
person working on the project will have their own workbook. The header row
will be the same in all workbooks.
What I want to do is be able to easily append data from each individual
workbook into a "master" workbook. Has anyone done this and what's the best
way? I could use indirect.ext to get there with VLOOKUP, but there may be a
better way.
Thanks in advance,
Barb Reinhardt