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No, that is the only identifier available.

"Mike" wrote:

Is there another column that is fairly unique that you can sort by instead?
You can always resort the third workbook by ID later.

"Tamesh" wrote:


Here is my situation. I have two workbooks whose information i have to
combine in to a third workbook. the data in all colums are different except
for the first column. the first column of each contains customers
identification numbers. for the third workbook i will be including ALL the
columns from the first two workbooks. my problem is this: the ID numbers
will not be in the same order in the first two workbooks. is there a way to
check the order in the first two workbooks and create one list in the third
workbook that is sorted. i guess the data in the other columns would have to
be sorted based on the ID number sort. does this make sense?

thank you in advance