Let's say I would want to copy the total from WorksheetA which is in A10 to
WorksheetD in A10, the total from WorksheetB in B10 to WorksheetD in B10, and
the total from WorksheetC in C10 to WorksheetD in C10. I would write the
formula in
1. WorksheetD A10 as =IF(ISBLANK(+WorksheetA!A10);"";+WorksheetA!A10)
2. WorksheetD B10 as =IF(ISBLANK(+WorksheetB!B10);"";+WorksheetB!B10)
3. WorksheetD C10 as =IF(ISBLANK(+WorksheetC!C10);"";+WorksheetC!C10)
The formula makes sure that if the total is blank there will be no zero
appearing in the corresponding cell in WorksheetD, otherwise it copies the
totals to the corresponding cells.