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Default Excel should have a hanging indent for long text entries

Suggestion: You could much more easily pick out the first word (i.e., the
first line) in a cell in a column of cells each containing a long, wrapped,
text entry, if Excel had the capability of first-line hanging indents (like
Word). Compa

Aarts, De Heer & Vroom, Emission Cross Sections of the
First Negative Band System of N2 by Electron Impact,
Physica 40, 197, 1968 .pdf
Ashkenas, Rot Temp Meas in Ebeam Excited Nitrogen,
Phys of Fluids, 10, 2509, 1967.pdf
Berry&Lillicrap, Rot Temp Meas's in Low-Density Flows,
AIAA J, 1970.pdf
Brocklehurst, Luminescence,,,Part1,Collisional Deactivation
in Nitrogen, Trans Of Faraday Soc, 1964.pdf


Aarts, De Heer & Vroom, Emission Cross Sections of the
First Negative Band System of N2 by Electron Impact,
Physica 40, 197, 1968 .pdf
Ashkenas, Rot Temp Meas in Ebeam Excited Nitrogen,
Phys of Fluids, 10, 2509, 1967.pdf
Berry&Lillicrap, Rot Temp Meas's in Low-Density Flows,
AIAA J, 1970.pdf
Brocklehurst, Luminescence,,,Part1,Collisional Deactivation
in Nitrogen, Trans Of Faraday Soc, 1964.pdf

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