hehe yeah i had i feeling that it would be difficult to understand. I have
used a filter by using nonblanks and a list of 50 countries showed up. I
want to not add data to these 50 countries by pasting data from another
template as the countries are in the same order. However when i paste the
data it does not paste to the 50 filtered countries, it pastes in the
original data with all the countries. In other words, it pastes in the 50
first cells but the 50 fitered countries are scattered. Hope this is
clearer. Best Regards
"Jim Rech" wrote:
Your post isn't all that clear. Just a guess... If you have an autofilter
in place Excel hides the rows that do not match the criteria. The data is
still there, just not visible. If you paste more data to the end of the
filtered list Excel does not automatically extend the autofilter range to
include it. You have to turn off the filter and then reset it. I have no
idea if this helps but maybe you can clarify your question if it doesn't.
"Steiner" wrote in message
| I am working on a template which evaluates all the markets in which we do
| business in. I have information on the some of the markets but not all of
| them so i have filtered by NonBlanks so display all of the valid
| I now have found new information on the countries that have NonBlank and
| would like to paste them to my sheet as they are in the same order of my
| filtered template. However, when I paste the information it disregards
| filter and pastes it on the sheet containing all the data. Naturally, the
| information is not pasted in the right cells. I have gotten around it by
| copying the filtered template into a new sheet however now i would like to
| populate my original template but I am encountering the same problem. I
| hope that this is clear. Thank you very much in advance,
| laurent