Thank you very much for your input and solution to my question. I am
relatively new to spreadsheets, functions and nested formulas (boy are they
confusing). But I like working with numbers. I have been experimenting with
stock pricing data, trying to find a buy / sell discipline.
After plugging in your formula below I understand why you insisted on
a5 5.00
a6 6.25
a7 7.00
a8 6.50
a9 4.00
a10 6.75
If [a10] where the number to match (6.75), the formula would examine:
(1) [a9] to see if greater than [a10] ....... False
(2) [a8] to see if greater than [a10] ........ False
(3) [a7] to see if greater than [a10] .........True
After three tries (in this example) the formula generated a 'True' signal.
I understand I could nest a bunch of =if() statements, but I was trying to
find a way where the user could set the range of cells to be examined. If
the user could set the range of cells to be examined, one could test a buy /
sell discipline over different spans of time. The formula you came up with
helps. Thank you very much.
"Biff" wrote in message
A1 = lookup (match) value
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(A1,A5:A9,0)),MIN(IF(A5:A9A1,A5:A9) ),INDEX(A5:A9,MATCH(A1,A5:A9,0)))
This is an array formula and must be entered using the key combo of
This will do what you want but it's not very robust as you haven't given
many details about what you're trying to do.
"Les" wrote in message
A column, a5 to a9, of random numbers:
a5 5.00
a6 6.25
a7 7.00
a8 6.50
a9 4.00
The given 'Match' number is 5.50.
The equal or greater number I expect to discover is a6 6.25.
The Match function will find 6.25 only of the 'lookup value' is 6.25
Thanks for your input.
"Biff" wrote in message
Is there a way or a function which will find a equal or greater value in
a random order range?
Short answer: yes
Describe what you want to do and be *very specific*. Include range
locations, data type(s), etc.
"Les" wrote in message
The match function will search a random order range to find an exact
It will search an ascending order range to find an equal or lesser
value. And inversely it will find an equal or greater value in a
descending range.
Is there a way or a function which will find a equal or greater value
in a random order range?