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Derek Y via
Posts: n/a

OHHH i just came up with a great idea, but I can't try it myself. Go into
add/remove programs and look at the options selected for the excel
installation and go deep into the root and see if somehow you can remove all
the international junk there. If you can do that then you've got what you
wanted....Still i dont see what the real problem here is though, excel is
showing the format the way you want with the leading zero's...I guess i've
just never heard of anything, other than opening a file in dde, that will
keep excel formatting.

Derek Y wrote:
Oh and as far as the 0000 go, thats a portuguese postal format. Again excel
already found your custom format as part of its special formats so it says
hey, we already have this so we're going to use what we call it since its not
really custom. I still dont see why this is a problem though. It would help
if you would tell me in what format you are exporting your data in that its
keeping your custom formatting.



This is because a german social security number is in that exact same format.
Its like typing in a custom format of 000-00-0000. If you do that it will

[quoted text clipped - 5 lines]
exporting from this sheet, the leading zeros are not transmmitted unless the
the correct format is recorded. Any ideas?

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