Thankyou Aladin
"Aladin Akyurek" wrote:
Steved wrote:
Thanks very much.
"ScottO" wrote:
Should they be like this?
"Steved" wrote in message
| Hello from Steved
| =SUMPRODUCT(--($C$4:$C$15),--($H$4:$H$15=S))
| =SUMPRODUCT(--($C$4:$C$15),--($H$4:$H$15=P))
| Column C has S and P
| Column H has the value I need to total.
| What Have I done wrong Please.
| Thankyou.
[1] The SumProduct function should implicitly coerce the truth values to
their Excel numeric equivalents.
[2] The lookup functions should have an optional argument for the return
value, defaulting to #N/A in its absence.