Dave's solution is removing the formulas with zero values as if you
would never use those formulas again regardless of changes made to
the cells that they had been dependent on, so I think it is an unacceptable solution.
You could do your magic on a copy of the worksheet.
You can change your settings in Tools, options, view, uncheck zero values
which is not clear but it will apply only to the one worksheet. In any case
it would apply to all cells on the worksheet and regardless of whether they
are formulas or number constants.
To be selective you could use conditional formatting and white out
the font. You can still see the zeros in the display if you select all cells;
otherwise you won't see them on a white or automatic (white) background.
They will not print; however, they will print if you have turned on the
Print B&W under File, Page Setup, Sheet. I think C.F. is your safest
solution as you can pick which columns and/or cells are to be affected.
If you have other C.F. then you are, of course, affected by the 3 C.F.
formulas per cell and the their order
Select column D, format, conditional formatting, cell value is equal to 0
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
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"Dave O" wrote in message oups.com...
The following code will clear the content of a cell that contains a
formula and whose result is zero. MAKE A BACKUP COPY of your data
before you use this, so you can be sure it does what you want it to do!
Sub Scrub()
Dim nCell As Variant
For Each nCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange
If nCell.Value < "" And Mid(nCell.Formula, 1, 1) = "=" And _
nCell.Value = 0 Then nCell.ClearContents
Next nCell
End Sub